Surfer Girl

Running back from the ocean after surfing a set of great waves. 

(It wasn't a nude beach.) She didn't care. One couple passed by as they walked. Apparently, they didn't care either. 

Too many people keep their clothes on because they feel they have to. They worry about offending others or breaking the law. 

Legally, nudity isn't what's illegal--it's often "lewd and lascivious behavior" that's illegal. In order to prove "lewd and lascivious behavior" in court, the prosecution much prove that the exposing of genitals for intended to shock or arouse unsuspecting viewers. 

And frankly, most people are pretty accepting and open minded. More often than not, they chuckle, and look away, and look back again, and chuckle, and maybe make a joke, "ya don't see that every day..." but inside are applauding the act of courage and nodding at the rebellion of harmlessly breaking social norms. In some ways, they may glance back a final time with some regret and sadness, thinking, "I wish I took on life like that."