Daisy Chain

As young girls, they'd made daisy chains, stringing daisies together from head to a hole in the stem. They'd heard the term used in college. It was rumored that the entire girl's ultimate frisbee team had done a daisy chain, and that they'd had t-shirts printed up with a depiction of figures linked together in a ring around a frisbee. 

Ashley, Kate, and Mackenzie weren't on the frisbee team. They were mathletes. Yes, the smart girls that had always been teased for not only being good at math, but actually enjoying it. Being on the team also meant traveling out of town to other schools for tournaments. Because the mathalete team wasn't well funded, they shared a hotel room. It had one queen sized bed and one giant king sized bed. The king-bed was large enough for all three of them. 

Being bored in the hotel room, and having an entire evening to kill, and after talking about the women's ultimate team, they decided they need to do something memorable. They decided to try out a daisy chain.